course of obstetricsحصريا

حصريا كورس الولادة الكامل ل د\محمود النجار من كلية طب بيطري بني سويف



Physiology of pregnancy    
Normal parturition
 Fetal death
Vaginal prolapse
Uterine prolapse
Uterine torsion


by on 09:04
course of obstetricsحصريا حصريا كورس الولادة الكامل ل د\محمود النجار من كلية طب بيطري بني سويف   contents Physiology of preg...

uterine torsion during pregnancy

causes,clinical signs,dignosis,treatment by pictures step by step

 التفاف الرحم اثناء الولادة
اسبابه وتشخصيه وعلاجه بواسطة د\محمود النجار
رئيس قسم التوليد والتناسل-كلية الطب البيطري -جامعة اسيوط


Ear, Nose, Throat and Tracheobronchial Diseases in Dogs & Cats

لمحبي ومتخصصي القطط والكلاب .كتاب امراض الانف والاذن والجزء العلوي من الجهاز النفسي

Author : Anjop J. Venker-van-Haagen
Publisher : Schluetersche
Year Published : August 29, 2005
Edition : 1 edition
Number of Pages : 240 pages
ISBN-10: 3877066356
ISBN-13: 978-3877066355
Size & Format : 3MB PDF

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اطلس الوراثة الملون والمركبات الجزيئية 

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The author of the bestselling Ultimate Horse Book presents a complete, authoritative encyclopedia of horses. Taking the reader on a fascinating journey through the development and domestication of this majestic creature, this volume presents a wealth of infomation on every aspect of the equestrian 
 world. More than 1,000 photographs

Wilson's Practical Meat Inspection

Seventh Edition

William G. Wilson

الغلاف الأمامي

Awareness of food safety and its economic significance has never been higher after public alarm following the BSE crisis and the Foot-and-Mouth outbreak.

This classic text is an essential handbook for all persons involved in meat inspection and the meat industry seeking information on the latest diseases and parasites. Now in its seventh edition,

كتاب تربية ورعاية الاغنام والماعز وامراضها وعلاجها

Sheep and Goat Practice 2 HandBook.

BY : Margaret Melling&Martin alder

Number Of Pages: 223
Publisher: W.B. Saunders Company
Edition: 1st edition (January 15, 1998)
Language: English
Format: PDF, Scanned, Bookmarks.
Size: 39 MB
Animal husbandry

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