Spurgeon's Color Atlas of Large Animal Anatomy

Spurgeon's Color Atlas of Large Animal Anatomy:-The Essentials

الغلاف الأمامي
أطلس الشريح البيطري كل العظام والعضلات والاعصاب والاوعية الدموية بالصور والالوان والبيانات 
مع ايضاح وضع كل عضو بالنسبة للجسم واتجاهاته

Author: Thomas O. McCracken, Robert A. Kainer, Thomas L. Spurgeon
Number of Pages :
184 pages
Size & Format : 81MB PDF
table of contents
Nomenclature and Anatomic Orientation.
Animal Classification.
General Terminology. Positional and Directional Terms.
Body Planes.
Body Cavities and Membranes.
Section 1: The Horse (Equus caballus).
Section 2: The Ox (Bos taurus, also Bos indicus).
Section 3: The Sheep (Ovis aries).
Section 4: The Goat (Capra hircus).
Section 5: The Llama and Alpaca (Lama glama and Lama Pacos).
Section 6: The Swine (Sus scrofa domesticus).
Section 7: The Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) 

Extraordinary accuracy and beautiful original artwork are just two features readers will find in this new resource, providing a basic foundation in domestic large animal anatomy. Its unique organization includes the anatomy of all organ systems in the various species, described in a consistent manner

The book presents relevant anatomy of the following species:
- Horse (with contributors by Dr. Gayle Trotter)
- Ox (with contributions by Dr. Fran Garry)
- Sheep and goat (with contributions by Dr. Joan Bowen)
- Llama and alpaca (with contributions by Dr. LaRue Johnson)
- Swine (with contributions by Dr. LaRue Johnson)
- and chicken (with contributions by Dr. John Avens).

Features that enhance understanding:
- Carefully selected labeling helps students learn and remember structures and relationships.
- Male and female of a given species are depicted on facing pages so that topographic anatomy is easy to compare.
- Structures common to various animals are labeled several times, whereas unique structrur5es are labeled only on one or two species so students can make rapid distinctions of the structures peculiar to certain animals.
- An introduction provides readers with a background in nomenclature and anatomic orientation so they can benefit from the atlas even if they lack training in anatomy.

The Atlas depicts topographic relationships of major organs in a simple, yet technically accurate presentation that's free of extraneous detail so that those using the atlas can concentrate on the essential aspects of anatomy.


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