Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 7th Ed pdfكتاب علم الامراض والباثولوجيا

Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 7th Edition
كتاب علم الامراض والباثولوجيا 
يعتيبر من اهم كتب الامراض ولا غني عنه لاي دارس لعلوم الامراض

BY& Vinay Kumar, Nelso Fausto , Abul Abbas 

 7th Edition - August 2004
 | PDF | 
1552 Pages
 First Prize (Basic and Clinical Sciences), 2005 BMA Awards

Through six editions, Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease has been the leading textbook in its field. No other resource has been able to match its outstanding coverage of pathophysiology and disease. Now renamed Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, the new, 7th Edition of this classic text delivers a host of improvements that make it an even clearer choice for students and practitioners!

The authors have masterfully met their objectives and have produced a modern textbook of pathology. Audience: Although prepared primarily for medical students, this book will be used by residents in pathology as well. It is a must for all teachers of pathology and basic medical sciences and also should be on the library shelves reserved for the key textbooks.

The book covers all major aspects of general and systemic pathology. The emphasis is on pathophysiology and clinical-pathologic correlations, but the morphologic aspects of pathology are also illustrated in more than sufficient detail with excellent color illustrations and conceptual drawings. The new editors have recruited several new contributors;

This is a brilliantly edited new edition of the best selling textbook of pathology. Essentially all the chapters have been updated and many were redesigned or significantly restructured. Advances in pathology, including the new discoveries made in the field of molecular pathology, are featured in almost all chapters. All illustrations are in color, and many of them are new. Combined with the numerous multicolored drawings, these figures complement the text and increase its didactic value. The references are up-to-date and well chosen. The layout and the graphic design are attractive. In its updated form, this book remains the leading U.S. pathology textbook. I predict that it will remain popular with students and professors alike.

Reviewer: Ivan Damjanov, MD PhD

University of Kansas Medical Center 


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