The Color Atlas of Diseases and Disorders of Cattle 3rd edition

The Color Atlas of Diseases and Disorders of CattleVETmasrawy.
من افضل الكتب وابسطها والمختصر المفيد
الكتاب كمرجع سريع لكل امراض المجترات يعني تشخيص سبب واعراض وعلاج وكل حاجة بالصورة
يعني مرجع لاهل الفيلد بدون كلام كتير
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The Color Atlas of Diseases and Disorders of Cattle

The Color Atlas of Diseases and Disorders of Cattle is the established and respected 
illustrated guide to the full range of conditions encountered in cattle worldwide In its third edition guise, the atlas is an indispensable reference for both experienced and novice cattle practitioners, government and industry veterinarians, as well as veterinary and agricultural students, and managers of large-scale cattle enterprises throughout the world.
Table of contents:

1 Congenital disorders
2 Neonatal disorders
3 Integumentary disorders
4 Alimentary disorders
5 Respiratory disorders
6 Cardiovascular disorders
7 Locomotor disorders
- Lower limb and digit
- Upper limb and spine
8 Ocular disorders
9 Nervous disorders
10 Urinogenital disorders
- Urinary tract
- Male genital tract
- Female genital tract
11 Udder and teat disorders
12 Infectious diseases
13 Toxicological disorders